Who we are
We are manufacturers of detergents and liquid cleaners.
We produce products for domestic use with the LA OCA and CODI brands and for professional use with the CODINA brand.
Our product ranges include:
- Products for cleaning and caring for clothes: detergents, fabric softeners, stain removers.
- Household cleaning and care products: disinfectants, general cleaners, degreasers, specific cleaners, scrubbers.
- Dish cleaning products: manual dishwashers, machine dishwashers.



Since 1889 and for several generations we have been consolidating our company, giving a good service to the industry manufacturing cleaning products.
As a result of all the people who are part of the company and thanks to a very special loyalty to our customers, the sales achieved in our country and outside our borders, especially in recent years with a remarkable international expansion, have been steadily increasing.
"Happiness is not doing what you want, but loving what you do"
Antoni Codina i March
A family business founded in 1889 in a place on the popular Santa Marta street in MATARÓ.
It was at this time that bar soap was purchased from the shopkeeper who would later chop with a knife and sell according to the weight and size the customer wanted. Then the women at home and in public laundries used it in pill form or unwrapped it in a pot of boiling water to soak the clothes for washing.
From those beginnings to the present day, the technique, presentation, and diversification of cleaning products have followed a dizzying progression. And with that, the company has also evolved to keep pace with market demands. Its main hallmark has always been the L'OCA brand.
Over the years, buyers have become friends. Its best publicity is the prestige of commercial formality and service.

Commitment to the environment
Codina Products, as a company committed to the environment, is a member of the Charter www.cleanright.eu,
Products Codina is transforming the range of products to a more sustainable range with the environment, by using recycled plastic to virtually all products.
Company adhering to the European initiative "Charter for sustainable cleaning”
This initiative implies that the company applies criteria of excellence to the selection of raw materials, the manufacturing process and quality control.
The ultimate goal is to achieve products that give maximum performance with minimal impact on the environment

CODINA by a way of cleaning
more environmentally friendly and sustainable
Mission and policy of the company
CODINA PRODUCTS S.A. is an organisation with a family management structure dedicated to the manufacture of detergents and cleaning products for the home and for professionals. Its aim is to provide a service to society with mid-range high quality products at competitive prices. We believe it is very important to maintain constant quality levels and never mislead the customer. These levels have been achieved thanks to the effort and professional ethics and the healthy stubbornness to always offer a good level of quality and an appreciable presentation of the products comparable to the presentation of the leading brands. Admittedly, these goals would not have been achieved without the goodwill of most people who make up the company’s workforce.
Company policy
We believe in an organisation focused on the needs and expectations of our customers and the need to improve our management system in a continuous and systematic way, trying to anticipate trends and comply with legal and / or regulatory requirements. Accordingly, we have established several basic principles that we describe below.
Personalised attention and follow up on customer needs with quality products that meet customer requirements
The human team is fundamental: training, motivation
Promote teamwork: interrelationship, communication, participation. Perform all actions that may improve occupational health.
Punctual customer service is key. Take care of the good logistical operation in the delivery of orders.
Good relationship and close collaboration with suppliers as a guarantee of stability in product quality and to achieve the best prices.
To have the means in more suitable and updated facilities, machinery, and equipment with a constant investment.
Manufacture products that meet all requirements in terms of safety, quality, legality, processes, and product specifications.
Constant R&D.
Vocation of international expansion, but with the priority of local attention.
Obtain economic profitability through customer satisfaction in our actions.
Compliance with applicable environmental legislation, adherence to voluntary environmental initiatives such as the Sustainability Charter, as well as other commitments that the organisation enters related to the environment.
Use of environmentally friendly processes and products and a commitment to pollution prevention.
All company staff are aware of the company's mission and policy, the goals we have set for themselves, and know and share the values established to achieve this.
Mataró May 2, 2017
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